HIV Treatment
Alexander McMeeking, MD
245 Fifth Avenue, Suite 350
New York, NY 10016
Phone212.929.2629 Fax212.929.4971
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Alexander McMeeking MD FACP

The most comprehensive HIV care and treatment for better living.

Renal cell carcinoma symptoms

One thing an HIV specialist in Manhattan needs to be diligent about with patients is providing a renal carcinoma screening. Patients diagnosed with HIV are at a much higher risk for kidney cancer and failure, so a doctor should be looking for signs and symptoms. Despite the fact that the patient may not even be exhibiting any renal cell carcinoma symptoms (in fact, the disease is often far advanced by the time it’s discovered!), the screening process will be very important to getting an early kidney cancer prognosis. That, of course, means earlier treatment and a better chance of beating the cancer. 

In-office screening methods are beneficial to the patient because it’s taking place in an environment where they are already comfortable and with a doctor they already trust. A Lower Manhattan HIV specialist has gotten to know these patients and knows their medical history; why go somewhere else and have to discuss your health all over again?

Types of renal carcinoma screening

There are a few different methods for renal carcinoma screening. Blood and urine tests, imaging tests, and biopsies are all used to diagnose renal failure and eventually, kidney cancer. Blood in the urine, as well as skewed results for the sugars, proteins, and bacteria in your blood can be indicators of cancer. A complete blood cell count is also used to measure cells in the entire blood sample. Red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are all closely examined. A deficiency in red blood cells, for example, can be an indicator of cancer.

Imaging tests look for renal lesions when they are doing a renal carcinoma screening test. The masses will show up on the image and a specialist will be able to diagnose them. Pelvic and abdominal scans, kidney ultrasounds, and MRIs are three common imaging tests. A biopsy can also provide a definitive diagnosis because it takes a piece of the mass and examines in in a laboratory. For patients concerned with HIV and renal failure, these methods will provide a very clear kidney cancer prognosis.

These tests are beneficial to an HIV specialist in Manhattan because it provides information as to what stage the cancer has advanced to in your body. The stage will impact the kidney cancer prognosis and probability of treating and beating it. Doctors and patients shouldn’t wait until renal cell carcinoma symptoms start to manifest; a regular screening process means you’ll catch it earlier. Radiation and chemotherapy have been successful methods of treatment, but confer with a Lower Manhattan HIV specialist first to make sure that won’t impact the HIV treatment as well.